各位会员: 以下是SEO中国暑期实习项目的信息,请有兴趣的会员继续阅读并自行报名。宣讲会需通过学校就业中心网站报名: 。 内地学生学者联谊会 谨启 ========== 2006年,曾受益于美国SEO (Sponsors for Educational Opportunity) 项目的曹嘉泰(Thomas G. Tsao) 先生将SEO引入中国,于是成立了SEO China (。SEO China向中国以及部分中国海外学生提供各行业顶尖企业的实习机会,尤其是金融业;并迅速建立各届优质实习生之间紧密的关系网络。 SEO于1963年发源于美国,是一家非盈利性组织,其宗旨是向优秀的少数华裔学生提供全球领先公司的实习机会;嘉泰先生正是因为早年参加SEO项目后使他受益良多,甚至改变了他的生活轨迹,因此他希望中国的学子也能拥有这样的经历! SEO China深信教育机会的平等是社会平等的基础,“受人以鱼,不如授人以渔”, SEO China希望通过系统的职业培训,也为中国的优秀贫困学生提供平等竞争的机会和改变命运的平台。 SEO China HKUST宣讲会 日期: 2014年4月2日 时间: 下午3:00至4:00 地点: Room 2306 (17, 18电梯) 演讲者: 戴伟(SEO China 2006校友) 嘉宾: Rafael Brana(SEO USA 1997校友,现工作于Bo Le Associates in Hong Kong) 【实习项目】 在为期两个月的暑期实习项目中,你将有机会: 1. 参与到风险投资公司运营的各个工作环节; 2. 获得最新的科技、电信和数字媒体领域市场信息并进行行业、公司研究; 3. 了解初创公司并与创业者交流; 4. 学习哈佛商学院有关戈壁投资运营的商业案例; 5. 组织和参加慈善活动; 6. 参加SEO USA的online training。 【申请要求】 1. 优异的学习成绩和出众的研究分析能力; 2. 对科技、电信、数字媒体、金融、管理、私募和风投的强烈兴趣; 3. 具有团队精神、进取精神和社会责任感; 4. 本科二年级或以上,研究生一年级或以上; 5. 英语口语、写作流利。 【申请流程】 1. 登录www.seo-china.org并填写、提交申请表; 2. 第一轮面试; 3. 第二轮面试; 4. 录取通知。 申请职位: 暑期实习生 对象: 大二至研二 实习公司: Gobi Partners, SVB Capital, Tengyue Partners, Capvision Partners. 更多资料请参考附件或登录我们的网站 SEO (Sponsors for Educational Opportunity) is a non-profit organization that was established in New York City in 1963, aiming at providing opportunities and fair competition for minority students to excel in the workplace. Currently, there are offices set up in New York City, London, and Shanghai. These offices help highly achieving minority students to reach their career goals by providing internships in commercial and financial fields and opportunities leading to full-time employment work. Over two decades ago, Mr. Thomas G. Tsao, a Harvard University graduate, joined Wall Street through the SEO-USA program. In 2002, after several years of working, Tom moved to China and became the co-founder and partner of Gobi Partners ( Tom was a big beneficiary of SEO and introduced the program to China in 2006. He believed that the preeminent Chinese students should also enjoy the infinite opportunities provided
by SEO. Now, this year, SEO China starts to recruit Hong Kong students and hopes that it can help more and more highly achieving students to get a fair opportunity and a chance to change their life! [Brief Introduction to the Program] 1. You will learn about how to be a venture capitalist through concrete practices concerning all aspects of
capital operations. 2. You will be trained using real cases from Harvard Business School as well as interacting with people from the investment world. 3. You will get access to first-hand market information and work with others to complete industrial analysis reports. 4. You will get in touch with start-up companies and have the opportunity to communicate with the CEOs of these enterprises. 5. You will be involved with charity programs to help the community. 6. You will participate in SEO USA training program. [Criteria & Requirements] 1. Outstanding academic record and the ability to deal with difficulties. 2. Strong interests in digital media, finance, management, private equity and venture capital along with strong passion to be an entrepreneur. 3. Demonstrate teamwork, initiative, and social responsibility 4. Proficiency in English, both oral and written. (We will have an investment training suite in English before the start of the program. 5. Must be in your sophomore or junior year of college. [Application Process] 1. Log on at and register with verified personal information. 2. Complete all parts of the application including your Personal Information, Educational Background, Extracurricular Activities/Community Services, Internships/Part-times and Open Questions. 3. After submitting your application, please keep a hard copy of your completed application form for further reference and wait for our notice. 4. First round interview (Please take a hard copy of your application package with you, including your resume and related certificates.) 5. Final interview SEO Recruitment talk in HKUST: Date: 2 April 2014 (Wednesday) Time: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Venue: Room 2306 (via Lift 17-18) Speaker: Wei DAI (SEO-China 2008 alumni) Guest:Rafael Brana (SEO-USA 1997 alumni, currently work in Bo Le Associates in Hong Kong) Application positions: Summer Intern Target applicants: From sophomore up to second year graduate student. Possible internship companies: Gobi Partners, SVB Capital, Tengyue Partners, Capvision Partners. More details can be found in the attachments or on our website: 附件: SEO中國2014暑期實習生項目 SEO China 2014 Summer Internship Program