[MSSS] 科大25週年傑出人士講座系列 (9月27日)

[MSSS] 科大25週年傑出人士講座系列 (9月27日)

25週年傑出人士講座系列 (9月27日)

親愛的會員: 開學伊始,香港科技大學25週年傑出人士講座系列也要繼續開始啦!本次學校特邀內地創業大咖,復星集團創始人之一、副董事長兼首席執行官梁信軍先生與9月27日來到科大,與大家分享”復星投資哲學及企業家精神”。 Canada Goose Resolute Parka 梁先生現為亞太經合組織(APEC)工商諮詢理事會(ABAC)中國候任代表、亞太經合組織(APEC)中國工商理事會理事及管理委員會委員、中國人民政治協商會議上海市第十二屆委員會委員、上海TMT產業發展聯盟常務理事會理事長、中國民營科技實業家協會常務副理事長、上海台州商會會長、上海復旦大學校友會會長、長江商學院校友會常務副理事長等。 Chaussures Nike 機會難得,抓緊瀏覽下文報名吧! banner Dear colleagues, students and alumni, HKUST 25th Anniversary Distinguished Speakers Series This year marks the 25th anniversary of HKUST, which will be a very significant milestone for the University. Virginia Cavaliers Our University has made remarkable progress and achievements over the years with the collective efforts and hard work of the university community, past and present. Chaussure Kobe Bryant
Among the celebratory events, we would like to draw your attention to the University’s 25th Anniversary Distinguished Speakers Series where leaders and experts from around the globe will share their insights on this special occasion. Mr Liang Xinjun, Vice Chairman, CEO and Co-founder of Fosun Group, will deliver the talk, titled “Fosun’s Investment Philosophy and Entrepreneurial Spirit“, on 27 September. parajumpers windbreaker DESERT You are cordially invited to attend this talk. Canada Goose Langford Parka Details are as follows:  

Title: 主題 Fosun’s Investment Philosophy and Entrepreneurial Spirit [Synopsis] 復星投資哲學及企業家精神 [概要]
Speaker: 講者 Mr Liang Xinjun [Biography] Vice Chairman, CEO and Co-founder of Fosun Group 梁信軍先生 [簡歷] 復星集團創始人之一、副董事長兼首席執行官
Date: 日期 27 September 2016 (Tuesday) 2016927 (星期二)
Time: 時間 2:30 – 4:00 pm 下午230分至4
Venue: 地點 Wong Chak Chui Lecture Theater, Lee Shau Kei Business Building, HKUST [Map] 香港科技大學李兆基商學大樓王則翠演講廳 [地圖]
Language: 語言 The talk will be conducted in Putonghua. Burberry Vestes Simultaneous interpretation from Putonghua to English and vice versa will be provided. 講座將以普通話進行,屆時將會提供英語及普通話即時傳譯。 Air Jordan 4
Registration: 登記 http://25a.ust.hk/DSS/Liang_Xinjun/ (First-come-first-served basis. Seating begins 2:00 pm) (座位有限,先到先得。下午2時開始登記進場)

  Stay tuned for more speakers in the Distinguished Speakers Series. Air Jordan 6 (VI) We look forward to seeing you on 27 September. Sincerely, HKUST 25th Anniversary Celebration Organizing Committee For enquiries, please email functions@ust.hk Copyright © 2016 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Oklahoma City Thunder All rights reserved. 注:MSSS只负责转发本次活动信息 有其他疑问,欢迎电邮 msss@ust.hk
