

各位会员: 我们收到人文学部刘剑梅教授发来的科大高等研究院开展中国文学创作研究专题的消息。 Zapatillas AIR MAX TAILWIND 8 该项目由著名的文学理论家及评论家刘再复教授主持,计划每年邀请两至三位蜚声国际的中国当代作家来驻校访问,其中包括诺贝尔文学奖得主高行健先生和莫言先生。项目为促进香港科技大学的人文科学教育,让师生有机会跟世界级的一流文学大师当面对话与接触,从而体会中国现当代文学的魅力,并开发自我创作的潜力,体会多彩和诗意的文学想象世界。本学期中国创意写作项目聘请了著名的当代文学作家余华先生和阎连科先生来香港科技大学驻校访问。 Cam Newton Auburn Tigers Jersey 第一场杰出学人讲座将于明天(10月29日)下午4:30在李兆基校园卢家骢荟萃楼演讲厅(地图见该项目主页)由作家阎连科以普通话主讲,机会难得,欢迎出席。之后数周作家刘再复、余华等亦将开讲,请关注该项目的主页和邮件通知。 本会提供以上中文译本供参考,中英文如有歧义,以下列英文版为准。 canada goose snow mantra


Dear students and colleagues, I am pleased to inform you that the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) at HKUST will host a series of Distinguished Lectures given by the world-renowned literacy critics and contemporary writers from China. Nike Zoom HyperRev The details of the

lectures can be found through the following link: http://iasprogram.ust.hk/201310. I would be grateful if you can help disseminate the information to the members in your Association. Nike Air Max 90 The first lecture will be given by Mr. UGG Classic Short Yan Lianke (阎连科)on Oct. Texas Tech Red Raiders 29 in the IAS building (the venue can be found in a map given in the above website) at HKUST at 4:30pm. It would be a very good opportunity for students to learn from these distinguished writers and critics. Air Jordan 10 Retro
Their talks can enhance

our students’ interest in literature, cultures, and values. Canada Goose Hybridge Thank you for your help. Best regards Jianmei Liu, Ph.D.
