(05-01-2012, 03:08 PM)Arthur 提到: 我没看过SU发的谴责。。可以贴上来么?
[學生會] 捍衛成名教授聲明 | Public Statement on Defence of Professor Ming Sing
由 Hkust SU 于 2011年12月9日1:34 · 发布
日前有報章評論指本校社會科學部副教授成名, 以教授名義過問政治和社會敏感議題。報章更批評成教授是極端職業政客,褻瀆師德,誤人子弟。本會對此深感憤怒及表示強烈譴責,並要求撰文者作出道歉。
在一國兩制底下, 基本法賦予香港人基本的學術及言論自由。本會認為評論以成教授之政治立場為由,攻擊其學者身份,實是有違此兩項基本價值。
本會認為大學是一個孕育學術思想, 是一個不同理念均可自由存在的地方。建制思想也好,民主思想也好,均需要得到尊重,這是學術自由的基礎。評論以成教授的政治思想質疑其學者資格實是對學術自由的打壓。
Recently there has been news articles pointing out that our school's Social Science Associate Professor Dixon Ming Sing used his identity as a professor in interfering with sensitive political and social issues. Accusations has also described Professor Sing as an extremely professional politician that has crossed the line with regards of professional conduct as an educator, and misleading students. The Students' Union expresses deep frustration and strong condemnation regarding this, demanding the accusing author to apologise.
Under One Country Two Systems, the Basic Law gives Hong Kong people the fundamental right of academic freedom and freedom of speech. The Students' Union considers an attack on Professor Sing's academic identity based on his political stance as a breach on two of these fundamental rights.
The Students' Union believes that Universities are places where brilliant ideas and thoughts are born within a tolerant environment that allows for peaceful co-existence of different ideals. Regardless of Pro-Establishment views or Pro-Democratic views, both need to be respected in order for academic freedom to exist. Commentating on Professor Sing's political views and questioning his academic identity is actually an attack on academic freedom.
More importantly, the Students' Union believes that universities are not isolated from society. As the most advanced educational institutions in society, universities should be closely linked with the societal reality, leading students in noticing the current situation and problems within society. This is the social responsibility of a tertiary education institution. How can one accuse Professor Sing of professional misconduct and misleading students when his concern on social issues reminds university students of their own social responsibility?
Lastly, the Students Union reiterates its strong stance in defending academic freedom and freedom of speech. This commentary's irrational attack tramples academic freedom, is an insult to Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. For this, the Students' Union once again expresses emphatic condemnation.
Executive Committee,
HKUSTSU, the 19th session
9th December, 2011