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美國留學考試 - What is GMAT?
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marychan123 离线

帖子: 20
加入时间: Sep 2011
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美國留學考試 - What is GMAT?
美國留學考試 - What is GMAT?

What is GMAT?

GMAT is Graduate Management Admission Test. It is in mathematics and the English language for measuring aptitude to succeed academically in graduate business studies. Business schools commonly use the test as one of many selection criteria for admission into graduate business administration programs (e.g. MBA, Master of Accountancy, etc.) principally in the United States, but also in other English-speaking countries.

How is it tested?
Computer based testing.

What are the testing categories?

I Analytical Writing Assessment

The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section of the test consists of two essays. In the first, the student must analyze an argument and in the second the student must analyze an issue. Each essay must be written within 30 minutes and is scored on a scale of 0–6. The essay is read by two/three readers who each mark the essay with a grade from 0–6, in 0.5 point increments.

II Quantitative Section
The quantitative section consists of 37 multiple choice questions, which must be answered within 75 minutes. There are two types of questions: problem solving and data sufficiency.
* Problem Solving
This tests the quantitative reasoning ability of the examinee. Problem-solving questions present multiple-choice problems in arithmetic, basic algebra, and elementary geometry. The task is to solve the problems and choose the correct answer from among five answer choices. Some problems will be plain mathematical calculations; the rest will be presented as real life word problems that will require mathematical solutions.
* Data Sufficiency
This tests the quantitative reasoning ability using an unusual set of directions. The examinee is given a question with two associated statements that provide information that might be useful in answering the question. The examinee must then determine whether either statement alone is sufficient to answer the question; whether both are needed to answer the question; or whether there is not enough information given to answer the question.

III Verbal Section
The verbal section consists of 41 multiple choice questions, which must be answered within 75 minutes. There are three types of questions: sentence correction, critical reasoning, and reading comprehension.
* Sentence Correction
The Sentence Correction section tests a test taker's knowledge of American English grammar, usage, and style.
* Critical Reasoning
This tests logical thinking. Critical thinking items present an argument that the test taker is asked to analyze.
* Reading Comprehension
This tests the ability to read critically.
10-11-2011, 01:14 PM

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  美國留學考試 - What is GRE? marychan123 0 1,937 10-10-2011, 02:55 PM
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