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北卡大学生物医学工程招聘博士(交换)生、博后 - 可打印的版本 +- 清水湾论坛 - 香港科技大学内地学生学者联谊会 MSSS (https://msss.hkust.edu.hk/forum) +-- 版块: 科大生活 (https://msss.hkust.edu.hk/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- 版块: 求职 & 留学 (https://msss.hkust.edu.hk/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=13) +--- 主题: 北卡大学生物医学工程招聘博士(交换)生、博后 (/showthread.php?tid=8862) |
北卡大学生物医学工程招聘博士(交换)生、博后 - wepang - 06-04-2012 替朋友发布,有兴趣的同学请联系Dr. Gu(http://web.mit.edu/guzhen/www/): 北卡大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,UNC-CH)与北卡州立大学(North Carolina State University,NCSU)联合生物医学工程系Dr. Zhen Gu领导的“诊疗工程实验室”招收博士后、博士研究生及交换博士生若干名。实验室分跨两校区,由UNC-CH药学院与NCSU工学院集双方学科优势共建而成。实验室地处世界最大的医药研发园区——三角研究园,位于Chapel Hill及Raleigh,风景秀丽,气候宜人。 1.研究方向。诊疗工程实验室围绕“药物控释”(drug delivery)及“组织工程”(tissue engineering)两大主题,系统整合生物工程、化学材料及微纳加工等交叉学科开展研究。实验室瞄准癌症、糖尿病、心血管疾病及再生医学等,从可控及高效的角度,构建用作治疗及诊断的新方法、新材料、新器件,并特别重视成果的转化。 2.应聘条件。详情请参见下面附的英文说明。1)博士后职位:希望您有至少一项以下专业技能:a)蛋白质/肽工程;b)功能高分子材料合成及表征;c)微纳合成或加工技术;d)生命分析化学;e)分子生物学;f)干细胞研究;g)药物化学;h)免疫学;i)药剂学;j)生物纳米材料;k)生物成像;l)组织工程。 2)博士研究生:希望您有以下本科或硕士专业背景(不限于):a)化学;b)生物学;c)高分子化学与物理;d)药学;e)医学;f)生物工程;g)化学工程;h)材料科学与工程;i)机械工程;j)电子工程。同时请参考生物医学工程系的录用条件:http://www.bme.unc.edu/index.php/admissions/graduate。 3.联系方法。如有可能,请在6月12日之前将相关材料发送至:guzhenlab@gmail.com,Dr. Gu会于6月中下旬回国安排部分背景适合的同学面谈(时间届时email告知),本启事长年有效,欢迎感兴趣的同学随时发信申请/咨询。申请博士后职位,在cover letter中简述您的研究及相应成果,并请附上您的CV、代表作(3篇左右)、至少3位推荐人的联系方法,请将它们并入一个PDF文件发送。在信的标题中注明“Postdoc Application”;申请博士研究生或交换生,请在cover letter中简述您的专业成绩/学术成果(若有),并请附上您的CV及代表作(若有)。在信的标题中注明“PhD Application”。 4.其他。被录用的博士后研究员或博士生可同时享有UNC-CH及NCSU的各类研究资源;博士生毕业时由UNC-CH及NCSU共同颁发学位证书。实验室网址:http://web.mit.edu/guzhen/www/ =============================== Prof. Zhen Gu's lab in the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) and North Carolina State University (NC State) have multiple available positions in the program of pharmacoengineering, which is collaboratively formed by the top ranked Pharmacy School at UNC-CH and Engineering College at NC State. Pharmacoengineering describes the science behind the development of materials and technologies to improve the delivery of therapeutic and diagnostic agents and encompasses the fields of materials, nanotechnology, molecular pharmaceutics, tissue engineering and biomedical imaging. Postdoctoral Fellows Two postdoctoral fellow positions are available immediately in Prof. Gu's lab. Applicants are expected to have an excellent track record with strong expertise and experimental background in at least one and preferably multiple areas including biomolecular engineering, biomaterials, polymer chemistry, nano/micro fabrication, bioanalytical chemistry, stem cell biology, tissue engineering and nano-bio interface. One of the positions will focus on the design and fabrication of biomaterials or devices for delivery of biomacromolecules/drugs, and the other will focus on the design and applications of bioactive scaffolds for regenerative medicine. The qualified candidates must have a Ph.D. degree in Engineering, Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Science, Medicine, Biochemistry, Biological Science or a closely related discipline. The ideal applicant must be highly motivated, open-minded, creative, energetic and have an interest in translating novel technologies into clinical investigation. Those interested should contact Prof. Gu (guzhenlab@gmail.com, please reference "postdoc application" in the subject line) with a single PDF file containing a cover letter briefly describing research interests and accomplishments, a CV with a complete list of publications and copies up to three relevant papers, and names of at least three references. Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted until suitable candidates are found. Graduate Students Two Ph.D. graduate student positions are available in Prof. Gu's lab. Applicants are expected to conduct research projects in the area of drug delivery and tissue engineering. The competitive candidates must be highly motivated, creative, open-minded and have excellent academic achievements in a major field of Bioengineering, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Pharmaceutical Science, Biochemistry, Biology, Medicine, Mechanical Engineering or a closely related discipline. Students must be officially admitted to the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at UNC-CH/NC State. (Please read the admission guidelines here: http://www.bme.unc.edu/index.php/admissions/graduate) Application Deadline: December 13, 2012. Interested students should contact Prof. Gu (guzhenlab@gmail.com, please reference "PhD application" in the subject line). |