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AIA 实习机会 AIA Internship - 可打印的版本

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AIA 实习机会 AIA Internship - markwu9329 - 02-17-2012

Wealth Management Experience Program 2012

Wealth Management has become one of the most popular terms recently. However, the young generation nowadays is lacking knowledge of financial management and interpersonal skills, which are
very important to their future life. That’s why we have the passion to organize the Wealth Management
Experience Program every year.

Program Objectives:
-Basic understanding on wealth management
-Effective communication skills
-Overall personal finance knowledge

-Graduate certificate and reference letter will be presented to the students who complete ALL sessions;
-Wealth Management Trainee contract will be offered to the outstanding candidates;

Program Description:
-Experiencing personal wealth management in an innovative way;
-Having the basic knowledge and updated information in the wealth management industry
delivered by professionals;

-Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/events/208442585917231/
-WMEX2011 Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uac663mLUdo&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
-WMEX2011 photo album: http://www.facebook.com/events/208442585917231/#!/media/set/?set=a.211055805605076.50945.

Program Schedule:
-Day 1: 2012.03.31 (Saturday) 10:00-18:00
-Day 2: 2012.04.14 (Saturday) 10:00-18:00
-Day 3: 2012.04.21 (Saturday) 10:00-18:00

Application and Selection Procedure:
-Applicant should submit CV by email at: aia.prc@gmail.com
(Ref.: Application for WMEX 2012)
-Application deadline: Feb. 29, 2012(Wednesday)
-All applicants will be interviewed.

Sting, DING Ying (丁瀛) RFP, MDRT
Senior Manager
Investment |Saving | Insurance | 投資移民 | MPF | Mortgage
Tel: (852) 98375400 | Email: stingding@aiab.com.hk
Add: Rm901, 18 Hysan Avenue, CWB, HK