[征文通告]2012中国第五届“创新与创业”国际学术会议 - 可打印的版本 +- 清水湾论坛 - 香港科技大学内地学生学者联谊会 MSSS (https://msss.hkust.edu.hk/forum) +-- 版块: 科大生活 (https://msss.hkust.edu.hk/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- 版块: 科大快讯 (https://msss.hkust.edu.hk/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=8) +--- 主题: [征文通告]2012中国第五届“创新与创业”国际学术会议 (/showthread.php?tid=4818) |
[征文通告]2012中国第五届“创新与创业”国际学术会议 - fudo - 11-11-2011 2012 “创新与创业”国际学术会议征文通告 中国•澳门 2012年6月8日-10日 http://www.aieconference.org 投稿截止日期:2012年3月30日 为积极推动国际创新与创业研究以及学术交流,2012中国第五届“创新与创业”国际学术会议(Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, AIE2012)将于2012年6月8-10日在中国澳门召开。此次会议将为国内外的创新与创业研究学者提供一个高水平的开放交流平台,以促进相互间的交流和讨论最新的研究成果。 主办单位: 清华大学中国创业研究中心 英国牛津大学技术与管理发展中心 教育部人文社会科学百所重点研究基地清华大学技术创新研究中心 合作主办单位: 澳门工商管理研究生协会 中国企业家杂志 会议主题: 本次会议主要讨论以下议题,但不限于下面所列出的主题: 1、创新管理I——创新能力 2、创新管理II——创新方式 3、创新管理过III——区域与集群创新 4、绿色创新和可持续发展 5、创新浪潮和未来趋势 6、全球化对创新管理的影响 7、服务创新 8、创新教育的影响 9、新企业创建 10、创业战略和商业模式 11、中小企业创业 12、组织成长 13、技术创业 14、知识产权和许可管理 15、家族创业和公司创业 16、国际化创业 17、创业环境和政策 18、创业资金和风险资本 19、创业的道德风险 20、创业领域内的性别差异 论文提交: 欢迎论文作者提交完整版英文论文。届时,由国际知名学者组成的论文评审委员会将对提交的论文统一进行评选并于2012年4月20日之前公布评审结果。会议仅接受PDF格式论文。请通过以下链接上传: http://www.aieconference.org 所有的论文可以在本网站注册后直接提交。如果提交有问题,可直接发送给会议邮箱:aie@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn 本次会议将开设多场PDW,有兴趣参与或组织PDW的学者,可提交和撰写PDF格式的建议书,请发送给AIE会务组(aie@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn)。 重要日期: 2012年3月30日 论文投稿截止 2012年4月20日 发出论文录用通知 2012年6月8-10日 创新与创业国际学术会议 国际顾问委员会 Gary Jefferson (US) Martin Kenney (US) Philip Anderson (INSEAD, France) Jiaji FU (Tsinghua University, China) Anil Gupta (University of Maryland, US) Shaker A. Zahra (University of Minnesota, US) Yingyi QIAN (Tsinghua University, China) Bengt-Ake Lundvall (Aalborg University, Denmark) Henry Rowen (Stanford University, US) AnnaLee Saxenian (UC Berkeley, US) Andrew Van de Ven (University of Minnesota, US) 科学委员会 Iris Xiaohong Quan (US) Haibin(William) Yang (HK, China) Iemin WANG (China) Yong LI (US) Ola Jull Sørensen (Denmark) Junseok Hwang (S. Korea) J.T.LI (HK, China) Virginia Trigo (Portugal) Jun LI (UK) Roger CHEN (US) Gracy JY Yang (Australia) Alice Lam (UK) Haiyang LI (US) Xue Jinujin (Japan) Xiaolan FU (UK) Joseph I. Onochie (US) Sibin WU (US) 组委会 Jian GAO (China) Yuan CHENG (China) Xudong GAO (China) Donna Kelly (US) Elias G. Carayannis (US) Oliver Gottschalg (France) Eugenio Corti (Italy) Fei QIN (UK) Sibin WU (US) Louie LIU (US) Qing WANG (UK) Lan QIN (China) Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2012 Macau, China,June 8th-10th, 2012 SUBMISSION DEADLINE: March 30, 2012 http://www.aieconference.org The AIE2012will be the most comprehensive conference focused on the various aspects of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. It provides an open platform to bring together scholars worldwide to present research and to stimulate discussions on new developments in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Organizers National Entrepreneurship Research Center, Tsinghua University Technology and Management for Development Program(PTMD), University of Oxford Research Center for Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University Co-organizers Macau MBA Association Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship Program Topics The conference focuses on discussions mainly covering the following topics of interest but is not limited to: 1. Management of Innovation I - Capability 2. Management of Innovation II - Innovation Ways 3. Management of Innovation III - Regional and Cluster Innovation 4. Green Innovation and Sustainability 5. Innovation tide and future 6. Innovation in Globalization 7. Service Innovation 8. The Effects of Education and Training on Innovation 9. New Venture Creation 10. Entrepreneurial Strategy and Business Model 11. SME’s Issues 12. Organization Growth 13. Technology Venture 14. Patenting and Licensing Management 15. Entrepreneurship and Corporate Venture 16. International Entrepreneurship 17. Entrepreneurship Environment and Policy 18. Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital 19. Moral risk in Entrepreneurship 20. The Gender and Diversity in Entrepreneurship Language: English Submission of Papers: Authors are invited to submit completed papers. Papers will be elected by the Program Committee consisting of a panel of international scholars. The submitting authors will be notified of the Program Committee’s decision by March 20, 2012. Please submit the paper in electronic format (PDF files only) to: http://www.aieconference.org/. PDW Sessions will be held on June 8-10 at the AIE 2012. If you are interested in organizing a PDW session, or just being involved, please contact AIE Conference Committee. If any questions in submitting, please send email to aie@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn Important Dates Paper Submission deadline: March 30, 2012 Acceptance Notification: April 20, 2012 Conference: June 8th- 10th, 2012 International Advisory Committee Gary Jefferson (US) Martin Kenney (US) Philip Anderson (INSEAD, France) Jiaji FU (Tsinghua University, China) Anil Gupta (University of Maryland, US) Shaker A. Zahra (University of Minnesota, US) Yingyi QIAN (Tsinghua University, China) Bengt-Ake Lundvall (Aalborg University, Denmark) Henry Rowen (Stanford University, US) AnnaLee Saxenian (UC Berkeley, US) Andrew Van de Ven (University of Minnesota, US) Scientific Committee Iris Xiaohong Quan (US) Haibin(William) Yang (HK, China) Iemin WANG (China) Yong LI (US) Ola Jull Sørensen (Denmark) Junseok Hwang (S. Korea) J.T.LI (HK, China) Virginia Trigo (Portugal) Jun LI (UK) Roger CHEN (US) Gracy JY Yang (Australia) Alice Lam (UK) Haiyang LI (US) Xue Jinujin (Japan) Xiaolan FU (UK) Joseph I. Onochie (US) Sibin WU (US) Program Committee Jian GAO (China) Yuan CHENG (China) Xudong GAO (China) Donna Kelly (US) Elias G. Carayannis (US) Oliver Gottschalg (France) Eugenio Corti (Italy) Fei QIN (UK) Sibin WU (US) Louie LIU (US) Qing WANG (UK) Lan QIN (China) |