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HKUST MAE Recruits Research Associates/Assistants - 可打印的版本

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HKUST MAE Recruits Research Associates/Assistants - swinder - 04-13-2018

Research Associate/Assistant Opening
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

We are recruiting immediate Research Associates/Assistants for an Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) project, aiming at Point-of-Care system development. Expertise and experience in the following areas are highly desired:
 Micro/nanofabrication
 Microfluidic and thermocycling design for PCR
 Automation and system integration
 Hands-on experience in molecular biology, biochemistry

Interested candidates please contact Professor Shuhuai Yao (meshyao AT ust DOT hk) with a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, and references with their contact information. Competitive monthly allowance with medical insurance and employer’s monthly contribution to the MPF. Project duration is 24 months.