清水湾论坛 - 香港科技大学内地学生学者联谊会 MSSS
【出租】 【已租出】大埔仔上村超大单间短租,一月底到七月中,限女生 - 可打印的版本

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+--- 主题: 【出租】 【已租出】大埔仔上村超大单间短租,一月底到七月中,限女生 (/showthread.php?tid=31638)

【已租出】大埔仔上村超大单间短租,一月底到七月中,限女生 - Dannie - 12-03-2017


三室一厅的房子,现居住室友都是科大phd。因为要出去交换,转租一个大单间, 10平米以上,有大窗户,冷气机,大衣柜,书桌,床。公共设施有冰箱,洗衣机。有阳台,​​​可以晾衣服。价格3800, 押二付一。水电煤气不包括。

联系方式,qq 632311543, 请注明租房。可看房看图片

RE: 大埔仔上村超大单间短租,一月底到七月中,限女生 - Dannie - 12-07-2017


RE: 大埔仔上村超大单间短租,一月底到七月中,限女生 - Dannie - 12-10-2017


RE: 大埔仔上村超大单间短租,一月底到七月中,限女生 - atieh moradi - 12-15-2017

Hello dear. Could you please send me your watsapp number to talk about this room? I am phd student and I am girl that I will come to hong kong as short term student. This is my phone number: +9369154192 and this is my email: at.moradi@shirazu.ac.ir

RE: 大埔仔上村超大单间短租,一月底到七月中,限女生 - Dannie - 12-28-2017

(12-15-2017, 02:36 PM)atieh moradi 提到: Hello dear. Could you please send me your watsapp number to talk about this room? I am phd student and I am girl that I will come to hong kong as short term student. This is my phone number: +9369154192 and this is my email: at.moradi@shirazu.ac.ir

Hello, my phone number is: +85259339064. I can not chat with you by whatsapp. I don't know why.