清水湾论坛 - 香港科技大学内地学生学者联谊会 MSSS
求租 科大附件附近的独立单间 Looking for room to rent near HKUST (代友发帖) - 可打印的版本

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+--- 主题: 求租 科大附件附近的独立单间 Looking for room to rent near HKUST (代友发帖) (/showthread.php?tid=31453)

求租 科大附件附近的独立单间 Looking for room to rent near HKUST (代友发帖) - Philiplee - 10-31-2017

An apartment with a bed room (standard size 5-8 m2), along with a small living cum drawing cum kitchen room and an attached toilet/bathroom is required.
All together size should be between 18 to 30 m2.
Preferable location: near HKUST.
Rent between: 6000-9000 HK$/month.
Candidate: Foreigner (Indian), Working in HKUST as PostDoc Researcher.
Status: Single. Family or friends will visit once in a while.

Long rent consider!!!
Probable time for entering new renting house: Between 3rd to 4th week of November, 2017.

Interested person please contact to the following wechat ids:
1. +86 17776413605
2. submicro2007
E-mail: sub_micro2007@yahoo.co.in


卧室+客厅 (卧室大小 5-8 平米)1间, 带独立卫生间和厨房,房子面积18-30平米左右。
地点: 香港科大附近 。
租金:6000-9000 港元/月。
承租人: 外国人 (印度籍), 在科大工作, 担任博士后研究员。
状态: 单身,家人或朋友会偶尔来访。


1. +86 17776413605
2. submicro2007

RE: 求租 科大附件附近的独立单间 Looking for room to rent near HKUST (代友发帖) - Philiplee - 11-06-2017


RE: 求租 科大附件附近的独立单间 Looking for room to rent near HKUST (代友发帖) - Philiplee - 11-09-2017

up up up