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Marco Again. Deposit issue : B1, Silver Bay Garden 685 clear water bay - 可打印的版本

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+--- 主题: Marco Again. Deposit issue : B1, Silver Bay Garden 685 clear water bay (/showthread.php?tid=28876)

Marco Again. Deposit issue : B1, Silver Bay Garden 685 clear water bay - avishek - 02-10-2017

Hi! I am HKUST student. I also faced problems with Marco[not returning deposit]. I am suing him in the small claims tribunal. There is also another chinese girl with me who faced similar problems with him. If anyone wants to join please contact me : akthakur@ust.hk


Dear fellow HKUST students,
If anyone wants to help with information, details, process, etc please do so as reply here or through email.

many thanks.
(02-10-2017, 07:42 PM)avishek 提到: Hi! I am HKUST student. I also faced problems with Marco[not returning deposit]. I am suing him in the small claims tribunal. There is also another chinese girl with me who faced similar problems with him. If anyone wants to join please contact me : akthakur@ust.hk


RE: Marco Again. Illegal renting : B1, Silver Bay Garden 685 clear water bay - modiandian - 02-12-2017

Good luck!
He has been doing this for years and people rarely get the deposit money back.
Please just recognize this shitty face and never accept his offer.

RE: Marco Again. Illegal renting : B1, Silver Bay Garden 685 clear water bay - siyi - 02-13-2017

I am also a victim... 3 years ago. Really hope one time people will collect enough evidence that the police could do something to him.

RE: Marco Again. Deposit issue : B1, Silver Bay Garden 685 clear water bay - nature24 - 03-20-2017


RE: Marco Again. Deposit issue : B1, Silver Bay Garden 685 clear water bay - zzffir - 04-11-2017


RE: Marco Again. Deposit issue : B1, Silver Bay Garden 685 clear water bay - harveyqh - 04-12-2017


RE: Marco Again. Deposit issue : B1, Silver Bay Garden 685 clear water bay - Apollo - 04-29-2017


RE: Marco Again. Deposit issue : B1, Silver Bay Garden 685 clear water bay - 鱼鱼鱼 - 11-30-2019

我认识的Marco很有个性,爱恨分明。当他视你为朋友时,会尽力帮你。他帮了好几位科大生找工作了。例如Life Science Divison的黄同学。也见到Marco因为小事把租客告上法庭。幸好我和Marco相处的五年,大家都视对方为朋友,到远方多位更胜过少位朋友。如果我的朋友找房子,我会推荐Marco的房子。