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低价出售教科书 - AK47 - 09-03-2015

1. Linear algebra and its applications 3rd edition,David C.Lay (Math 111,113) $ 30
2. Introduction to financial accounting Horngren et al. 11th edition (Acct1010) $50
3. The cosmic perspective bennett et al. edition 7 (Phy 1002) $50
4. Sears and Zemansky's University physics 13th edition $50
5. Modern Physics 6th edition (Phy2022) $20
6. Analytical mechanics 7th edition( Phy3032) $30
7. 量子力學概念 2edition $30
8. ISMT111 Business Statistics Bowerman OConnell $30
9. Statistics for management and economics 10edtion $50
10. Blanchard Macroeconomics 5Edition $50
11. Mankiw Principle of Microeconomics 6 edition $50
12. Financial accounting A Global Perspective 5 edition $40
13. Intermediate accounting Volume 1 $40
14. Financial Planning & Wealth Management $40
15. Understanding Psychology Feldman 10 edition (Sosc 1960) $80
16. Psychology and the Challenge of Life Adjustment and Growth 11 edition $80
17. Educational Psychology Slavin 10 edition $100
18. Inquiry into life Mader 13 edition $100
19. Management Science Modelling Albright Winston 4 edition $50
20. Signals and Systems Alan V. Oppenheim 7edition $40
21. Digital Design with an introducetion to the verylog hdl 5 edition $40
22. Basic Business Statistics: Concepts and Applications(Pearson 8th Ed.) $40
23. Calculus (Stewart), 5th ed. Early Transcendentals Single Variable $80
24. Cost Accounting a managerial emphasis(15th Edition) $90
25. Essentials of Contemporary Management 4th Edition $50
26. College Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life
27. Sciences and Social Sciences (12th Edition) $70
28. Basic Marketing Research(7th Edition) $50
29. Materials Science and Engineering 8th edition $80
30. Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics 4th edition $100
31. Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach 6th edition $50
32. Managing Quality, Integrating the Supply Chain 4th edition $40
33. University Calculus Pearson International Edition $50
34. Fundamentals Corporate Finance 2nd edition $30
35. Principles of Microeconomics 6th Edition $60
36. Investments and Portfolio Management $80
37. University Physics with Modern Physics 13th edition $30
38. Statistics for business : decision making and analysis international edition $50
39. Principles Of Physics 9th edition $70
40. Mechanisms and Dynamics of Machinery $60
41. Calculus for Scientists and Engineers: Early Transcendentals $100
42. Investments, Asia Global Edition $90
43. Financial accounting McGraw-Hill 6th edition $70
44. Macroeconomics Updated (5th Edition) $35
45. Introduction to Feedback Control: Li Qiu, Kemin Zhou $70
46. Project Management: The Managerial Process 6th edition $50
47. The Essential Cosmic Perspective (5th Edition) $20
48. Organizational Behavior $40

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