清水湾论坛 - 香港科技大学内地学生学者联谊会 MSSS
【出租】 大埔仔上村女生双人间出租 - 可打印的版本

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+--- 主题: 【出租】 大埔仔上村女生双人间出租 (/showthread.php?tid=19021)

大埔仔上村女生双人间出租 - siyi - 08-23-2014

Room available to share with one other female tenant who is a graduate of HKUST, located in Tai Po Tsai. It is about a 20-minute walk away from the North Gate of HKUST, in a location convenient for HKUST students. The monthly rent is $1750 plus $50 for WiFi internet and utilities (approximately $200 per month). Available immediately. If interested please email Zhou Siyi at szhouah@ust.hk.