清水湾论坛 - 香港科技大学内地学生学者联谊会 MSSS
聘請 - 市場主任 - 可打印的版本

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聘請 - 市場主任 - GoldProfiit - 06-14-2013

Gold Profit Group Holdings Limited

Gold Profit Group is an investment company founded in year 2011, with its headquarters located In Canton Road, Tsimshatsui. We are an expanding company and now moving into China market. Gold Profit had set up another new branch and now having over 100 staffs. We offer Generous salary bonus, good holidays and excellent prospects for promotion within the group.

To cope with the company's expansion plan, we are inviting high caliber candidates to join our professional team in various departments.



- 大學學歷 - 2年以上市場部經驗 - 細心,做事謹慎,溝通及組織力強
- 熟悉MS Word, PPT, Excel - 懂英語,普通話 (流利普通話優先)


- 協助媒體策劃上的大小事項
- 市場對手分析,報告,廣告監控
- 協助編寫廣告計劃書,PPT,Word,關會議程等


- HK$12,000 - HK$13,000
- 雙糧、季度獎金、強積金、醫療保險
- 7天有薪年假
- 良好晋升機會

求職者可電郵至 Gold Profit HR Department : http://hrgoldprofit@yahoo.com.hk