清水湾论坛 - 香港科技大学内地学生学者联谊会 MSSS
井欄樹村單人房或床位出租 - 可打印的版本

+- 清水湾论坛 - 香港科技大学内地学生学者联谊会 MSSS (https://msss.hkust.edu.hk/forum)
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+--- 主题: 井欄樹村單人房或床位出租 (/showthread.php?tid=12378)

井欄樹村單人房或床位出租 - Chiu - 04-24-2013

Many rooms in Tseng Lan Shue are going to be leased. the rent is $2300. well-furnished and for UST students only. For a shared room, the rent is $1200.
Pls call 92252065 or e-mail chiudickens@hotmail.com