科大25週年傑出人士講座系列 (11月1日) – 華大基因董事長-汪建

科大25週年傑出人士講座系列 (11月1日) – 華大基因董事長-汪建

親愛的會員 香港科技大學25週年傑出人士講座系列-汪建博士開講啦! 本次學校特邀華大基因董事長,華大基因聯合創始人來分享人類基因組的讀、寫、用與華大歷程。歡迎每一位同學報名參加。 汪建博士介紹 汪建,湘西人。插過隊,留過學,學了西醫,又習中醫。當過 研究員,做過院長,正任董事長。半生獻身科研,半生投身産業。不惑之年,回國創業,1999年爲參與人類基因組計劃(1%部分)創建華大基因,基礎研究、産業應用和教育實踐並行發展,循著科研服務、科技服務、醫學服務、人人服務的發展軌迹,追尋著“基因科技造福人類”的夢想。 2011年,榮獲CCTV中國經濟年度人物創新獎。2013年,排除萬難將矽谷的Complete Genomics公司納于麾下,成爲中國第一個收購美國上市公司的民營機構,被國際大佬、國外媒體紛紛冠以“中國創新的典範”。 但這遠非終點,在汪建心中,已經豎起了新的目標… 2010年5月22日,华大基因董事长汪建、陈芳博士等数名深圳登山者向 珠穆朗玛峰顶峰发起冲击并成功登顶。他们不仅把上海世博会的旗帜首次带上世界最高点,还刷新了国内登顶珠峰”最年长团队”的纪录。   banner Dear colleagues and students, HKUST 25th Anniversary Distinguished Speakers Series This year marks the 25th anniversary of HKUST, which will be a very significant milestone for the University. Our University has made remarkable progress and achievements over the years with the collective efforts and hard work of the university community, past and present. Among the celebratory events, we would like to draw your attention to the University’s 25th Anniversary Distinguished Speakers Series where leaders and experts from around the globe will share their insights on this special occasion. Dr Wang Jian, President and Co-founder of BGI, will deliver the talk, titled “Human Genome Project – Read, Write and Application & BGI“, on 1 November. You are cordially invited to attend this talk. Details are as follows:

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Title: 主題 Human Genome Project – Read, Write and Application & BGI [Synopsis] 人類基因組的讀、寫、用與華大歷程 [概要]
Speaker: 講者 Dr Wang Jian [Biography] President and Co-founder of BGI 汪建博士 [簡歷] 華大基因董事長,華大基因聯合創始人
Date: 日期 1 November 2016 (Tuesday) 2016111 (星期二)
Time: 時間 3:30 – 5:00 pm 下午330分至5
Venue: 地點 Lee Wing Tat Lecture Theater (LT-D), HKUST [Map] 利榮達演講廳 (LT-D) [地圖]
Language: 語言 The talk will be conducted in English. 講座將以英語進行。
Registration: 登記 http://25a.ust.hk/DSS/Wang_Jian/staff_students/ (First-come-first-served basis. Seating begins 3:15 pm) (座位有限,先到先得。下午315分開始登記進場)
Stay tuned for more speakers in the Distinguished Speakers Series. We look forward to seeing you on 1 November. Sincerely, HKUST 25th Anniversary Celebration Organizing Committee For enquiries, please email functions@ust.hk
Copyright © 2016 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved.

注:MSSS负责转发本次活动信息 有其他疑问,欢迎电邮 msss@ust.hk。 第二十四届香港科技大学内地学生学者联谊会 谨启
